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Wai us?
"0% Feez": Yeap, you read that right. Zero, zilch, nada! We hate unnecessary complications as much as you do. Why make people pay more just to trade? So we axed it! Now, you can buy and sell without having to calculate crazy fees in your head.
"Renonced Contrakt": Trust is everything, right? So we said, "How can we build trust with our community?" Then we realized - let's renounce the contract. Show everyone we're here for the long haul. That we're not just another pump and dump scheme. So we did just that. Contract? Renounced. TikPepeTok? SAFU!
"CMC & CG Fast-Trak": We ain't here to play. We're here to win. And to win, you gotta be fast. So we got ourselves Fast-Tracked on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. You'll see our progress, our growth, our wins, faster than you can say "TikPepeTok"!